Answer :
Option C
none of the options are correct.
A blow to the back of the head might affect the occipital lobe at the back of the head and affect visual information but the gustatory cortex is found around the frontal lobe area and is involved with taste.
Communication between the left and right cerebral hemisphere is mediated by the corpus callosum and not the mid brain.
We would expect a change in the heart rate and even death if damage occurs to the medulla oblongate as it controls vital autonomic functions including breathing and heart rate and other functions.
A damage to the Broca area in the the frontal lobe will affect laguage production and not wernickle's area found in the temporal lobe.
The primary motor cerebral cortex on the left side of the brain controls movement of the right side of the body the right motor cerebral cortex controls movement of the left side of the body.