Answer :
At the moment of the Big Bang, almost all of the entropy was due to radiation, and the total entropy of the Universe was S = 1088kB. On the other hand, if we calculate the entropy of the Universe today, it's about a quadrillion times as large: S = 10103kB. There are 3 three human enterotypes.
An enterotype is a classification of living organisms based on its bacteriological ecosystem in the gut microbiome. The discovery of three human enterotypes was announced in the April 2011 issue of Nature by Peer Bork and his associates.
Yes, the entropy of the universe is increased by human civilization. but only by a negligibly small amount. The entropy of the cosmos is increased by a one-gram mass entering a supermassive black hole more quickly than the entire Earth's annual energy production.
What is entropy?
The quantity of energy that cannot be used to perform work is measured by an object's entropy. The number of alternative arrangements that the atoms in a system can have is also measured by entropy. Entropy is a measure of uncertainty or randomness.
What is the relation between entropy and the human race?
Living things should have substantially lower entropy than their non-living components since life is highly organized. In reality, one of the primary characteristics of life is the use of energy to establish and sustain order. Based on the few observations we have of other worlds, it appears that life is improbable, which is one implication of low entropy for life. However, another implication is that if living things act to raise entropy globally, there must be a corresponding decrease in entropy locally to counteract that rise. This is necessary because of the second law of thermodynamics, which states that a rise in entropy is by far the most statistically likely result.
However, "closed systems," which refers to a system that is unable to exchange heat or energy with its surroundings, are subject to the second law. Heat can be used by an organism that can interact with its environment to reduce local entropy and gain local order. The ability to locally lower entropy is literally a matter of life and death for that creature, even though the overall state of chaos continues to worsen.
Human beings are a clear illustration of this idea. Compared to inanimate objects like air and water, our human bodies have a relatively high degree of order. A human represents far more order even when compared to dirt, which has a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms and larger creatures like worms. However, this is not in conflict with the second law because our ability to consume food and eliminate incredibly disorganized waste products allows us to sustain life. In order to maintain or reduce local entropy levels and hence stay alive, humans can extract the chemical energy from food and consume it.
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